Jezabelle Peranovic
Accounts Receivable Specialist

Started March 2021
Originally from the Philippines, Jezabelle, a.k.a, Jeza, has come a long way (literally) before joining Hands-on Server Support. She first worked as a bank teller in her home country, then traveled the world working on a cruise ship, met her future husband there, who happened to be from Croatia, and decided to settle in Europe together. Jezabelle found her second home in Croatia and even enjoyed her first winter there, but not subsequent ones; after all, her heart still belongs to the always-warm, snow-free Philippines.
Jezabelle joined our team in March 2021 after spending almost a year looking for a job in Croatia that would combine the English-speaking environment and the Accounting field. Once hired, Jezabelle joined the newly formed Accounts Receivable department.
It is tricky to describe Jezabelle’s day-to-day routine at work by avoiding accounting-heavy terms, but it would sound something like this: She processes payments the client receives from its residents or vendors. Apart from that, Jezabelle uses every chance to train new team members and satisfy her inner teacher she always wanted to be. Ironically Jeza prefers to work more with people than numbers, but she still pulls it off with all the invoices and month-end procedures by using some tricks. Whenever facing a complex task, she first tries to get to its basics and break it down into the simplest and “digestible” bits. She also reframes high-priority tasks into high responsibility, which gives her more strength and self-discipline. Jeza also knows that she always has numerous shoulders to rely on; since the beginning of the AR department, the whole team has developed a deep connection with each other.
Nowadays, as a soon-to-be mom, Jeza is more focused on her family of three soon-to-be four and, for now, prefers not to set herself ambitious career goals. She spends her pastime either in Netflix mode with her all-time favorite ‘’It is always sunny in Philadelphia’’ and ‘’Married with children’’, or giving her full attention to her loved ones.
More on Jezabelle:
🍿 Binge watched: Money Heist, The Boys, Vikings
📚 Favorite books: My Sister’s Keeper, Girl with a dragon Tattoo, The Time Traveler’s Wife, The Little Prince
✈️ Wants to revisit and recommends everyone: New York, Florence, and island Capri.
👧🏻 Describes herself as loving and positive
💡 Advice to everyone: “Positive energy attracts positive outcome. Always choose to be happy, focus on your core values, and compare yourself only to your old self and not to other people.”